Oatmeal Muffins

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Being a bit of a whole foods girl I am always attracted to words like oatmeal.  Strange I know but I love oats, porridge and anything associated with breakfast.  When I was first diagnosed with coeliac disease oats were a bit of grey area.  There weren’t certified gluten free oats around, you just had to try oats and see if you could tolerate them.  As a result I didn’t cook with them much seeking out other alternatives like rice flakes.  Happily this is no longer the case as gluten free oats seem to be everywhere and I am enjoying using them in lots of recipes.  This recipe comes from the popular blog  Gluten Free Girl and the Chef.  I have been following this blog for years.  This is a great place to start if you are following a gluten free diet.  You immediately feel at home. 

These muffins aren’t much to look at but the point is they are wholesome and filling which is just what breakfast should be about.  They are slightly moist but not too sweet like a regular muffin.  They were lovely warm from the oven with jam but also kept well making a good tea break snack at work for about four days if kept in an air tight container.

I followed the recipe with the following amendments.  For the flour I used equal parts buckwheat, quinoa and brown rice flour, for the sweetness I used maple syrup but I do think the suggested idea of jam would perhaps work better. I didn’t have psyllium husk so had to use linseed.  I used pecans rather than pistachios for the nuts.   I also made mine dairy free by using rice milk and coconut oil.  In spite of these adjustments the muffins still turned out really well and are so easy to make.
You can get the recipe here

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