Cumin Spiced Carrots and Chickpeas

Saturday, 22 February 2014

So I’ve finally dragged myself back in the kitchen after a very quiet month of soups and stews and nothing much to share around here.  The last couple of days the sun has been shining, there has been a lull in the torrential rain and spring flowers are starting to peak through.  I dare to dream this might be the end of winter but then I remembered last March when it snowed...

I’ve been making this dish a lot over the last few weeks.  Sometimes for lunch or as an after work dinner.  Often we have it with smoked mackerel but it’s also really good on its own.  The recipe is from the wonderful blog Narturally Ella.  Erin’s recipes are always an inspiration when I’m looking for a healthy lunch alternative.  This one really appealed to me as I love the combination of carrots and cumin.  I also love her carrot ginger rice.  Clearly I have a carrot thing going on.  

I followed the recipe exactly adding some chopped kale in for the last few minutes in the oven as kale seems to accompany most meals in this house.

Find the recipe here.

Maybe next time I’ll manage to write up a recipe.  Oh what a lazy blogger I have been of late.  I can promise a passion fruit cake with some interesting ingredients will be making an appearance around here soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hi 5 fellow lazy blogger.

    Looks great though and love the addition of kale. For colour and for texture and just, KALE MMMM.

    (I know this comment is late. But yeah.. lazy blogger..)
