Figs with Everything!

Saturday, 21 September 2013

I was going to call this Figs for Friday, an equally cringe making title but I guess I missed the opportunity there now that’s its Saturday.  Instead last night after I spent some quality time with the M25 on my way home from work I made a version of this chicken and coconut korma, then watched a few episodes of 30 Rock until I nodded off in the chair and my husband declared I should go to bed.  Sadly a fairly average Friday evening around here at the moment.  I don’t know if it’s the change in weather but I have been feeling monumentally tired this week.  I think blaming the weather is generally considered a reasonable conclusion for most things.  Anyway, figs have been featuring a lot in our diet lately.  I love fig season, my husband’s not so keen...which just means more for me.

A couple of things I’ve enjoyed.  This salad is a riff on the super seed kale one I posted a few weeks ago.  This time I cooked up some lentils with the rice, used toasted pistachios instead of the seeds, chopped up fresh figs instead of the dried cherries and used a few drops of balsamic vinegar in the dressing in place of the cider vinegar.  Figs, pistachios and goat cheese work so well together.  Sticking with that theme I also used figs on top of my favourite gluten free pizza crust with goat cheese, toasted pistachios, basil and some lambs lettuce.  The sweet figs made a delicious pizza topping and cooked up perfectly under the grill.

I hope you find some delicious ways to enjoy figs before they disappear.  Here are a couple more ideas from the archives!  Have a good weekend x


  1. FIGS. Yes. I have been eating them like a bat out of hell this month--but usually just out of hand, because who can resist? I definitely want to try that salad too--figs & cheese are obviously the best possible match, especially with a pile of dark greens.

    1. Figs and cheese are so good together! As you say, who can resist?

  2. HELL YES! Love figs, maybe not eating them with everything, but been eating them a lot. One thing I'm eating a lot of with everythign is mint, been throwing it into noodle soups, salads, rice, I love it and I'm so not ready to see it go! This salad looks gorgeous- that photo and the stylign is just beautiful Caz! I AM SO IN LOVE WITH THAT PLATE (where from).

    1. Thanks Shu Han! I got two of these plates at a rickety little shop in Hastings for £1, it's one of my best junk shop finds. :) Hastings is a great place for vintage bits and bobs if you ever fancy a trip to the sea side. It's quite an odd little place but worth a visit.

  3. Beautiful photos, Caz. I still can't believe I'd never had a fig until three years ago and it's still only very rarely that I indulge in fresh ones. I've never used them in a savoury recipe before, but that pizza (figs, pistachio, goat're killin' me!) looks fantastic.

    1. Thanks Irina, it's only been the last couple of years that I've been eating fresh figs too. Now I'm a bit addicted. :)
